Hey gang...
The art I posted yesterday has been deleted, unfortunately.
I know some people will think I'm a coward for doing this.
But I really want to grow as a person.
And the first step to that is from learning from and admitting my mistakes.
I wanted to place a "funny joke" for a prompt for goretober.
I thought it would be ok because other NG users do it all the time.
And now I realise my mistake.
It wasn't really funny at all.
It was just some immature adult humour that nobody will ever like anyway.
Not only I'm embarrassed with myself.
But I'm also upset that it's only after the damage that I learn my mistake.
And I hate that.
I'm much more responsible than that.
So, yeah. Sorry if I offended or made you cringe in someway.
For now on, I carry on with my other sorts of humour.
it is funny